Friday, December 19, 2008

Thank God it's Friday!

Since entering the work world, I feel that I have begun to appreciate Fridays even more than I used to. As most of you know, today is not only the last day of my work week, it signals the start of my week-long Christmas vacation!! I head out sometime tomorrow.

While a lot of times I blog about my frustrations at work, I do also have some great stories (like the one when I called Santa), and I want to quickly share a few more with you.

Yesterday the kids were working on their writing by making out Christmas lists. One of the boys told me that he wanted a "tuv." Immediately a puzzled look came over my face, and I asked him, "What's a tuv?" He responded, "a thing that you take a hot bath in." "Oohhh!" I said and went to the chalkboard to spell hot tub for this Kindergartner's list.

Later that day one of the other little boys (4) asked me how Jesus flew to heaven. Initially I froze and did not know how to respond except, "That's a good question!" After thinking for a few moments, I asked him if he knew that there are good ghosts. When he said yes, I told him that it was Jesus' "good ghost," his spirit, that went up to heaven- not his actually body. He was satisfied with that answer and did not ask any further questions. That same child told me that his full belly had a baby in it the other day.

The other day when our class was practicing I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas, one f my students asked me how to ship a hippopotamus. (This boy is always thinking!)

A short errand tonight, some packing and then I just want to relax. It's been a busy week!

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