Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Prettiest Face You've Ever Seen?!

Haha... It's the nicest thing I've heard in awhile: Wednesday night, after going out for Thai with my co-worker/friend Emily, a man on the street says to me, "Excuse me mam. I'm sorry, but you have the most beautiful face I have ever seen." I laugh and tell him that he just made my day. It's pretty amazing how a stranger's kind words can boost the way you feel about yourself. :)

I need to remind myself of events like those because I have not been too happy lately. At times I tell myself that I'm making too big a deal out of nothing, but on the other hand, I cannot help the way I feel. At first I thought I couldn't get out of bed in the mornings to hit the gym because it is cold, and I was unmotivated. However, after thinking about it more, I believe I have trouble getting out of the bed because I don't want to start my day in general: After I go to the gym, I have to get ready toand go into work.

I'm proud of how busy I've kept myself during the week: Monday night I met my friend Gail for dinner. Tuesday night I babysat in Evanston and then met up with Carryn. Wednesday night I had dinner with Emily. Regardless I end up going home at night feeling rather unhappy. Last night was better though. I went to YEHA (Young Earth Human Alliance). YEHA is a class I've only been to twice, but I was invited to go to Sedona, AZ for an "Empowerment Camp" February 12th-15th and have decided to take them up on the offer. I am so excited and have been needing something like this to look forward to.

More to come... Back to the kids! :(

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