Monday, July 28, 2008

My First Rejection (in the Job World)

I was debating between the title I chose and "It's Like Rain on Your Wedding Day." Explanation: I woke up this morning to reread my cover letter and resume and get those sent off, and to my surprise, the position I applied for did not require (or even allow) me to post a cover letter. Oh well I guess. It was good practice?

Then, I was gone a mere couple of hours at the gym. When I returned there was an e-mail in my inbox informing me that they already had a better fit. I can't help but wonder how many rejections I have yet to come, but on the positive side, at least I found out quickly. I got a new resume and cover letter sent out tonight for another research position. This one examines how various environments affect the spatial development of children in the Chicago area. As I wrote my cover letter I got more excited about the position, but that happened last night as well. Now some more job searching befor bed!

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