Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Here We Go!

In addition to the 6 week raw detox I signed up for, I also registered for a simpler 3-day green smoothie challenge. For my small $5 donation to the whales I could send an e-mail to someone else, and I chose my sister. I wasn't sure if she would be into the idea, but she's on board! :) I think we are going to start tomorrow. You can use the smoothies at any level that you want- smoothie for breakfast only, all smoothies or anything in between. I want to go for three days of only smoothies. I think you can do anything for three days (a little different than six weeks).

It's cool and rainy today, but the temperature is supposed to pick up tomorrow, reaching 80degrees by the end of the week. (I don't trust the weather much though.) I'm coming off of a great weekend and have a lot coming up. After babysitting on Saturday night I met up with Sydney (my roommate from last year), who I had not seen in a long time. Sunday morning I got a great workout in- went to a spinning class, met-up with the "Chicago Young and Raw" group at a place called Doc's Smoothies in Bucktown, and had Carrryn over to make dinner.
That was my first meet-up with that group, and it was really nice that everyone was under 35. It was also a small group, so we all sat at one table. I immediately recognized Lenette, the organizer, when I walked in. Everyone ordered the green smoothie, so I went with that one too. Each person was supposed to bring some kind of snack with them. I made almond butter for the first time, which was incredibly easy. Others brought crackers, guacamole, "cheese" dip, cookies (so good!), a green bean salad and these delicious little crepes. It was a great introduction for me, and I hope to spend more time with this group.

Later that day Carryn came over for dinner. I had not seen her since I made a quick visit to Dance Marathon, and I hadn't really had a chance to talk to her either. Once she arrived, we picked up some groceries at Whole Foods and made dinner together: an arugula salad with pear and brie, followed by spinach spaghetti with green beans, potatoes and homemade pesto. We had our doubts a few times, but it turned out really well! :)

Last night I went to see Cristy, David and Parker, which was amazing! More to come on the phone call I had on my way.

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