Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yesterday was NOT an Inspiration to Teach...

I almost quit... No joke! One of the little (4 year-old) girls in my class is so ridiculous. I will explain the afternoon for you (in case you want to know a little more about my day). In the afternoons, I have the kids on my own 3:30-6. During that time, there is usually a combination of packet work, a craft project and free time. Well, half of the kids were doing their work, and the other kids were off playing. Instead of trying to discipline kids that were not doing their work, I decided to reward the ones who were working diligently. When the time came, I gave a little presentation and allowed the hardworking students to pick their prizes. This girl, I'll call her Anna, didn't get a prize. She tried to rip the bag of prizes out of my hand. When she didn't succeed at that, she grabbed a baton out of the bag. As she angrily pulled it out, she hit one of the little boys in the face. He started crying and covering his eye. For a little background, Anna likes to make people mad, so I didn't yell at her. Instead, I pointed to her "friend" who was crying and told her that I couldn't believe she hurt him like that. She merely smiled, showing no remorse, and went into the other room. I called her back into the room for a time out, and she knocked a box of crayons on the floor. When I asked her to pick them up, she threw them at her classmates and the music teacher and went back into the other room. When I went to get her out of the other roomagain, she refused to come with me and started destroying the two year-old classroom. I picked her up to bring her back into our room. She kicked a two year-old in the head and started pinching me. I called the director, who told me she didn't have time to talk to me. I was so frustrated! Yes, she's four, but I don't deserve to be hit, kicked, pinched, spit on, etc.

Today was a MUCH better day, even though I was kicked in the back by another kid, but I'm kind of getting used to the physical abuse.

If I'm in a a good mood/feeling optimistic, I tell myself that these kids just need love and attention that they may not be getting at home. In these moments, I see myself sticking with teaching. The other side of me says, "This isn't my job."

I must say that the week has gone by quickly though. I can't believe tomorrow's already Friday. Speaking of... After work I'm meeting up with a guy. Last week my aunt called me and told me that she met this really great (single) guy, who she thought that I should meet. She asked him for his business card, and then she gave me his e-mail. I figured why not, so I e-mailed him last week. We're grabbing dinner after I get off work. I'm a little nervous but also excited. If anything, it's company and dinner at a new place.

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